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Poly-L-lactic acid which stimulates the skin's natural collagen production gradually over time to restore volume to the face . This is best for those who have volume loss, or minimal volume loss and want an over all "glow".

45 minutes | Price Varies

"Skin that feels like YOU again."

A revolutionary injectable treatment that helps restore youthful volume and improve skin texture for a radiant and age-defying appearance.

Sculptra Before and After
Sculptra Before and After

Sculptra gradually helps restore your skin foundation, with results seen as early as 1 month after treatment and lasting up to 2 years,

Let's Talk Benefits:

  1. Gradual and Natural-Looking Results: Sculptra® provides gradual enhancement by stimulating the body's natural collagen production. This results in subtle and natural-looking improvements in facial volume and skin texture over time, avoiding the appearance of sudden or overfilled areas.

  2. Long-Lasting Effects: Unlike traditional dermal fillers, which offer temporary results, Sculptra® provides long-lasting benefits. The collagen stimulated by Sculptra® continues to improve skin quality and volume for up to two years or more, leading to sustained rejuvenation.

  3. Volume Restoration: Sculptra® effectively restores lost volume in areas of the face that have experienced age-related volume depletion, such as the cheeks, temples, and jawline. This helps to counteract the sunken or hollowed appearance commonly associated with aging.

  4. Skin Texture Improvement: In addition to volumizing effects, Sculptra® improves skin texture by promoting collagen synthesis. This leads to increased firmness, elasticity, and smoothness, resulting in a more youthful and radiant complexion.

  5. Versatility: Sculptra® can address a variety of aesthetic concerns, including facial wrinkles, folds, and creases. It can also be used to enhance facial contours and restore symmetry, making it suitable for comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

  6. Customized Treatment Plans: Sculptra® treatments are tailored to each patient's unique needs and goals. Skincare professionals can create personalized treatment plans that address specific areas of concern and achieve the desired outcome, ensuring patient satisfaction.

  7. Minimal Downtime: Sculptra® injections typically require minimal downtime, allowing patients to resume their normal activities shortly after treatment. While some temporary side effects, such as swelling or bruising, may occur, they are usually mild and resolve quickly.

  8. Non-Invasive Procedure: Sculptra® is a non-invasive procedure that involves injections administered with a fine needle or cannula. It does not require surgical incisions or anesthesia, making it a safe and convenient option for facial rejuvenation.

  9. Compatible with Other Treatments: Sculptra® can be combined with other cosmetic procedures, such as neurotoxin injections or laser treatments, to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation. This versatility allows patients to address multiple concerns simultaneously for optimal results.

  10. Boost in Confidence: By restoring facial volume, improving skin texture, and reducing the signs of aging, Sculptra® can boost confidence and self-esteem. Patients often report feeling more refreshed, youthful, and satisfied with their appearance after treatment.

Most Asked Questions:

Sculptra offers a comprehensive solution for individuals seeking natural-looking and long-lasting facial rejuvenation.


It provides gradual improvement in volume and skin quality, leading to a refreshed and youthful appearance that enhances confidence and well-being.

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